Pasteurizer for Fresh Milk

pasteurizer for fresh milk
Milk pasteurization is an important step in the milk processing to kill pathogenic bacteria and reduce enzymatic activity, a task that is reliably performed by REDA HTST pasteurizers. Milk products to be pasteurized include whole milk, skimmilk and standardized milk.

REDA HTST pasteurizer for safe, high quality and longer shelf-life milk.
REDA milk pasteurizers have been constantly developed with a view to ensure the highest level of product safety in a low cost and efficient way. A first heat treatment followed by a rapid cooling will destroy pathogenic microorganisms while keeping the cold chain unbroken.
These plants can be with full or semi-automatic configuration and easily integrated in any dairy.

Advantages of our fresh milk pasteurization process
- Highest standards of food safety and quality
- Soft thermic treatment without the product being damaged
- Fast commissioning times
- Simple installation with “Plug-and-Play” concept
- Manufacturing standard according to ISO 9001
- Efficient production with PLC control

Line for fresh pasteurized milk

Airless milk evaporator comes as option in REDA milk processing
During the milk or cream processing the device works as a deodorizer. This allows the elimination of unpleasant scents that can be in the milk (during the different seasons, for change of feeding of the livestock, etc.).

Different solution:

Direct UHT-Flexy
Direct steam heating system with special flash cooler in the aseptic phase. Designed for the production of high-density products: whipped cream, coffee cream, cooking cream, pastry cream, butter cream, besciamella, single cream, creme flambè, crème fraiche etc

Traditional indirect steam injection system. Widely used in the cow milk, smoothies and plant-based drinks treatment.

This system combines the direct steam injection with indirect heating to obtain the highest quality results in the finished product: taste, color, flavour and odour are closed to that of pasteurized products.

Raw milk is clarified, standardized, deareated, homogenized and sterilized in just one step, ready for the aseptic filling. This system guarantees high efficiency, outstanding product quality while reducing times, energy and production costs.

Long production


High thermal

Pre-mounted and
compact design

Fully automated


Sterilization plant can also be used for: